Saturday, October 3, 2009

Heading Into Week 34

Well, we're in the least I hope. John and I have been busy getting things ready for Jack, although I don't feel like we are near ready enough. His room is done except for the lack of baby furniture, which is looking like it won't arrive until Nov 6. We'll have to take some pics when it's all set up.

I had an appointment with my midwife on Thursday. All seems to be going well. I had been wondering if it was normal to be having contractions this early, but truthfully, never having felt them before I wasn't really sure if I was feeling contractions or if it was just Jack moving around in there. Well, it turns out I'm not crazy...I am in fact having contractions because I had one while I was in the office. She was using the doppler to listen to the fetal heart rate, and she suddenly stopped and said, "You're having a contraction right now, do you feel that?" It was actually a little reassuring to know that I wasn't crazy in thinking that I had been having these for a while. So now I have to be on contraction count until my appointment next week. The thing is, sometimes I have them every 10 minutes or so, then I will go a while without having any. It's hard to count them. It's definitely a little too early for the arrival of our little guy though, so we'll see what she says when I go in next week.

I have pretty much already decided that anything beyond 36 weeks is fine by me. The nausea has not let up at all, and throwing up multiple times a day has become part of my routine despite all the meds they have me this point I have tried Reglan, Compazine, Phenergan, Zofran, Pepcid, and Tums...The zofran is new as of this week and so far it has helped a little more than the Reglan without completely knocking me out like the Phenergan. Oh the joys of pregnancy...

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