So another week has gone by - now 35 weeks into the baby extravaganza... At my appointment last week, I was told that I need to stop working. Partly due to the contractions and partly due to the fact that I am still not really gaining much fact I lost a little again. So here I am now on maternity leave, still sick as a dog, but with no baby yet.
I am kind of torn about having to be on leave this early. My employer gives me 13 weeks leave, which is really great, but I was hoping to work up until delivery, so that I would not have to waste any of that 13 weeks before the baby is born. Now I can't help but think that every day I sit home before he is born is just one less day I will get with him afterwards before I have to go back to work. On the flip side, this nausea/vomiting situation is worse than ever, and I was starting to have major guilt about calling in sick to work, so at least now I am just sick without the guilt. Not to mention my energy level is at an all-time low considering I hardly keep any food or nourishment actually in my body.
I don't know what has to happen in order for a doctor to be willing to induce labor, but I am hoping that either I spontaneously go into labor soon, or that they will take pitty on me and induce me soon. I know it is not ideal, but this vomiting is out of control and taking both a physical and emotional toll on me that I am at my wits end with. I see my midwife again on Thursday, so who knows? They are going to do another ultrasound to measure Jack because I lost more weight last week, and maybe from there they will have to weigh the pros and cons of how long we will keep this up. I have to believe that he would be getting much better nourishment outside that inside at this point, but I am no doctor, so I just follow orders.
In the meantime, John and I are getting ready for Jack as much as we can. We still haven't gotten our furniture for the nursery (crib, changing table, and dresser) delivered yet, but hopefully it will make an appearance before Jack does. Last week I had a little panic attack because we didn't have our carseat yet, so we rectified that situation and have a carseat installed in my car - all ready to go.
Otherwise not much else going in our neck of the woods. We are finally getting a new furnace installed to replace the 80 year old bohemuth that currently resides in our basement - neatly wrapped in asbestos... Hopefully switching to natural gas instead of oil will be a little less costly for heating in the winter.
Baring any sort of labor scenario for the weekend, we are hoping to make it to Philly for our friends Maureen & Chandler's wedding this weekend. John's sisters are also throwing a baby shower for us. Something fun to look foward to...